Monday, August 24, 2009

Day Fifty-Five: Picture This

Today was hard, and I felt like at this stage it shouldn't be. Not to say I couldn't be challenged per se, but why do I feel more like quitting than before? Grouch, grouch, grouch ... I don't feel like I have any good reason to grouch, either. So to pep myself up and avoid sounding ungrateful (I truly feel that at times grouching begets more grouching, which is harder to get out of, you know?), I want to post some pics of my "gym." These are the sights I see whilst slaving away at the PCP:

dragonfly by

petal pusher

thunderhead to the north

puffballs in the sky

eerie storm

homegrown pumpkin
thrift store patio table with a fresh coat of paint


  1. Down in the valley, valley so looooow....

    In terms of exercise, we keep on ramping it up at such a rate that you will never feel it get easier. It can be a real drag and you have to be secure enough in yourself to know that you're making awesome progress even though every new day is a fresh slap in the face.

    Keep going, vent on the blog as needed, that's what's it's there for.

  2. You are doing great..and needless to say for those of us at the day 24/25 mark-a real inspiration. had a tough day or two, and frankly a so so week 3-but I realize each day how much better I feel, and have started to notice subtle changes in my mind and behavior...Really cooking a few nights in a row, clarity of purpose with some big decisions and some good physical energy. Look at each of the new weeks as a learning and strenghtening-you can truly do anything you set your mind too...
    Lastly-you are a role model to many around you-at home and in PCP land.

  3. thanks guys ;) slap in the face indeed. even though i often feel weak and broken, i have to believe i'm getting stronger.

    xoxo mel, fred and sidney

  4. That is a lovely place. I think you are doing great, and I admire Fred and Sidney.
