Monday, August 31, 2009

Day Sixty-Two: The P is Silent

Good news: I don't have swine flu!

Bad news: I have pneumonia.

So what now? Doc gave me two days of home rest, some super antibiotics and an inhaler that's my new best friend until she says so. She said pneumonia takes weeks, if months, to recover from. Don't I know it: had it a few times growing up as a poor asthmatic kid without medical coverage. I wasn't going to the doctors unless I was blue in the face (which sadly happened a lot). So hey! This time I got the diagnosis of pneumonia BEFORE I needed hospital care! I consider this progress.

So what about the PCP? Patrick and I discussed today and we agreed that I would take the next week off and then we will revisit this matter. My only hope right now is to breathe through my nose again and not get winded unloading the dishwasher (today's true story).

Not gonna lie: I feel a bit cheated out of my path to PCP victory. But Patrick urged me not to feel that way, that once I get back to the PCP it'll come back and my healthier body will help me recover faster. I hope so. He also encouraged me to blog still, so I will if I have something enlightening to say.

Thanks to everyone for their kinds thoughts and well-wishes. I appreciate them!


  1. Mel, God, I'm so sorry. But, as you can see, I recovered from pneumonia nicely. Just take it easy, keep on the inhaler. You are where I was when I started ths whole thing. We are now kindred spirits. It's funny you posted the old people picture. That's exactly what I thought when I got diagnosed. "Pneumonia! What? I'm not frickin' 90!" But, there it is. One thing, Mel. Keep Blogging! Come hell or high water! KEEP BLOGGING! Keep your connection to the PCP while you rest. We'll all be here for you! If at any time, you think the PCP won't help you get out of the mess your in now, just think of me. The PCP brought me back! My prayers and thoughts are definitely with you.

  2. Take the time to rest and get well. I'm with Sean -- keep blogging! I thoroughly enjoy reading it and it gives me a boost of energy to face another round of jump ropes. Plus we want to make sure you're getting better and keeping your spirits up. Many healing thoughts to you!

  3. It's actually not that big a deal as far as your fitness goes. When you're sick your body is doing a killer workout every day fighting off all this stuff. The only thing that'll take a hit is your muscles, but they'll come back fast and a little stronger than before ironically enough. We'll play it by ear.

    I lost 50 bucks betting it was swine flu though, how could you let me down like that Melanie!

  4. Please get better and keep posting! Don't stop the rock!

  5. Feel keep posting if you will help you and ALL of us who really NEED it !!!
    Rest up !!

  6. i noticed today that it has been a long time since you posted anything and realized what has happened. Get well soon.
