Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day Thirty-Three: Head Case

Hoorah! I'm finally where I need to be on the PCP. Got the right foods. Got my exercises for Day 32-33 completed. But it was a tough day. My shins are ON FIRE. The last 100 jump ropes of the day were the worst. I felt like crying. My body was not cooperating. I cursed and threw my jumprope. My frustration this evening grew out of when I got another migraine after my a.m. workout. Even though I got done by 10a.m.-ish, it was already very hot and bright here in Colorado. I tried the usual things to prevent my migraine: wore sunglasses, drank lots of water, tried to stay in the shady spots, avoided the midday hours. But my brain sloshed around inside my skull and I was rendered useless the rest of the day. I peeled myself off the cool couch in the dim living room to do my p.m. workout at 730ish. The mosquitoes were all over me even as I sprayed myself with big spray. Ugh. But I finished. I didn't know if I would.

It's scary: today's exercise is the easiest it's going to get from here on out. That's what I thought tonight as I worked out (I prefer to do so silently since so few of my waking hours are quiet). Once upon a time, doing 1,000 jump ropes seemed insane. Leg ups and sit-ups seemed impossible. Yet I'm doing them regularly and increasingly so. Yes, I realize I'm in a mental valley, and it seems sucky and dark and pitiful and painful. Am looking forward to the climb up and outta here. It's the only way to go from here. See you at the peak!


  1. I have had many days like this! It's great to peel yourself off the couch and do the workout, and the thing is you always know you will feel better after it is done. Stronger. Taller. Fitter.

    Doesn't make it any easier, but once that post-workout feeling is ingrained in your muscle memory, you at least know it will be there without doubt, when you're done.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Url didn't work:

    Also, the swearing helps, so let those shins know what &@#$)%&ers they are.
