Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day Seven: I'm Just a Girl

Let's talk about my person of inspiration, my "hero" for the PCP. I chose musician, fashion designer and celebrity mom Gwen Stefani for a few reasons.

She's admitted to having inner chubby kid complex, and how she doesn't just roll out of bed looking like a rock star; she literally works her ass off every day. She does real push-ups during her concerts. She's popped out two pups and as a working mom (sure she has nannies oh and probably a bazillion dollars. But that doesn't mean good parenting gets any easier) she still manages to put on lipstick and fun clothes. She appears to be both confident and vulnerable. And really, who hasn't felt that way?


  1. No Doubt was my second concert when I was eleven. Lauryn Hill was the first one.

    Gwen S is one powerful mama!


  2. That's awesome (on both those conerts!)! I never saw Gwen in concert, just was a fan from the time I was a high school freshman; and not just in that I liked her music, her voice, her style ... but I kind of admired her ;) And still do. She rocks.
