Today was a #FAIL on the PCP. Probably my worst day ever. Pretty much ate the last of my PCP rations on hand, which included a drinkable yogurt, some bran flakes for breakfast, baby carrots for the a.m. and p.m. snack, some beef and mushrooms via the Crockpot for lunch, and a whole lotta coffee. Imagine my surprise when I was jonesing for fruit and some veggies. A friend suggested we met up for dinner at
Noodles ; sounded like we both could use face time, and our kids love each other so why the heck not? I did my homework and looked up the nutritional info compared to my PCP diet requirements. But the meal I got, a small noodle dish and a small salad both with protein, ended up giving me heartburn tonight. UGH. I haven't had that since I was uber preggers six years ago. Fucking sucked. And when I got home, it was incredibly stormy and rainy, so no double header softball nor PCP exercise. And then I saw that I had left the Crockpot full of beef and mushroom out alllllll day long. Ruined. * I knew I would do this shitshitshit* So lack of good food + heartburn + no exercise = grumpapotamus.
I had some time to cool off though. The kid is traveling with her dad this weekend, so I went to Target luxuriously walking the aisles. I scored some more workout clothes and some smellgood soaps to reward myself with after particularly pungent PCP workouts. Tomorrow I will go to my usual Saturday cardio kickboxing and score my much-wanted vegs and fruits (wanted? when did I want vegs and fruit? progress!) at the grocer's and farmer's market. For now, I'm at home regrouping mentally with a DIY mani-pedi and, what luck!,
G.I. Jane on TV. Nothing like a little inspiration ...

Another chance to get it right is just a good night's sleep away.
ReplyDeleteDuuuude. G.I. Jane is my fave for working out inspiration. Sorry to hear about the crock-pot fiasco and the heart-burn induced Noodles.