The Bad: While the food was cooking, I absent-mindedly ate some tortilla chips with queso as I chatted with a friend. After a few bites, it dawned on me it was totally not PCP. I also did not do my evening snack of fruit and milk (but I did eat a few raspberries, does that count?) Oops!
The Good: Yesterday, I scored some boxes of Near East Wheat Salad for greek tabouleh, which I think will fit in nicely with the PCP food plan, and some dates to try my hand at Shelby's recipe for PCP jam. I already had strawberries, and then someone brought garden raspberries to the cookout, so I snagged those, too, for some fruit spread goodness. Gonna try that tomorrow. Woot!
The Bad: "I got hurted," as my kid would say, playing softball last night. Took a wayward throw to the lower shin covering second base (it always seems like a heroic move to use your body to stop a bad throw, but then you wake up the next day and ummmmmmmmmmm it just seems stupid. Just sayin'). It's so tender and swollen I now have a cankle. It hurts to walk. It hurts to walk up and down stairs. It hurts to lie down. It hurts to wear pants. Suffice it to say I did NOT do my PCP exercises today. I plan to do Day 18 tomorrow in the a.m. and Day 19 in the p.m. Sorry ;(
Ugly: See cankle reference above. *sigh*
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