I was feeling a bit sorry for myself as I started my jropes on the driveway when one of the little neighborhood girls was walking home with her dad and doggie. I heard her before I saw her: "OH jumproping! Dad I wanna jumprope when I get home!!!" And so she did. They only live a few houses up the street, so I could see her bolt into the garage, grab her pink jumprope and have a go at it on the sidewalk in front of her house. She was cute, about my daughter's age. She was good! She would also watch me do my jropes and mimic me: rope *behind* you to start, let it *smack* the pavement with each rotation, jump at even pace, not too fast nor too slow. At one point I gave her a thumbs up, and she waved. Last week my kiddo was equally intrigued, asking me to show her how to jumprope. She didn't try, but one day she might. See as a kid I LOVED jumproping. It was one of the few things we could do at my elementary Catholic schools because the schools were housed in buildings adjacent to the church; our playgrounds were the church parking lot. Some of my earliest memories of school include jumping rope in my uniform and B&W saddle shoes to "Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?" and "Miss Mary Black." Maybe one day I will attempt double dutch again? ;)
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