Friday, July 3, 2009

Day Three: A Moveable Feast

Pictured to the right is what I packed for my 7-hour drive through Nebraska.

Traded in my orange Crunchy Cheetos for orange crunchy baby carrots (which really helped me through the last three hours of the drive). The sandwich, half left over from lunch would be my half dinner on the road. Two bottles of ice water, two audio books (which were mediocre) and, can't lie, the bananas weren't for me. I hate bananas. Those were for the kid while she stays at The Grandparents, who are lovely and generous people. But the kid DID get a bag of Crunchy Cheetos (see? even she knows the drill when we make a pit stop. Oh wait. Is that bad?), and she shared three with me. Three is better than half a bag, right?

When I pulled into Lincoln, I was STARVING. My stomach had been growling for about two hours. I called a friend, Cara The Marathoner, and asked her what she would get at Amigos. Amigos is a staple of Nebraska dining, and many of my pals who no longer live here discuss cravings for this fast food staple. Now in the four years I lived in Lincoln for college, I ate at Amigos fewer than five times, and I think most of those times it was 1. not my idea 2. massive amounts of booze was preceded its consumption. But suddenly I envisioned myself getting a drive-thru burrito or taco and inhaling it before I left the parking lot. By the time I left the Interstate, I snapped out of it, hit the sandwich shop across the street from Amigos (that's right, I stared that SOB in the face and walked away from temptation) for a simple provolone and bread sammie with mustard, and ate half. I even waited until I got into the downtown apartment I am staying at to eat, and it was good.

I know food will be my personal challenge during the PCP. (Seriously, Mel. It's Day Three. Get a grip!) And then to throw travel on top of that? I already worry how an upcoming trip to Northeast PA (NEPA, as us locals call home) will be: the land of pizza, Yuengling beer, pierogies, funnel cakes, meatballs as big as your head and other delictables from Polish and Italian cuisine. I'm doomed. Must get game plan now.

But I am happy to report that while I am in my Lincoln favorite coffee shop, I was able to resist the second half of my cheddar bagel with veggie cream cheese. But barely. Onto tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Melanie!

    You're going to do great and your starting off in all the right ways - Good Luck!
