Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day Fourteen: Just Say No

Scene: after work.

I picked up the kid from preschool; it was someone's birthday and they brought cupcakes. The kid, who doesn't like chocolate, offered me the lady bug motif chocolate cupcake. I pawned it off on someone else.

I went to Costco tonight to score mass quantities of protein. I avoided the people offering samples, which included hot dogs, chocolate ice cream bar, taquitos and cookies.

I had a blueberry Nutrigrain bar in the car, a commuter snack from my former life. I put it on my purse instead of my mouth, even though my stomach growled the entire ride home.

I came home, jumped 800 and prepared myself a garlicky dish of whole wheat angel hair, Bird's Eye Snap Pea Stir Fry medley (adding extra mushrooms) and lemon pepper salmon.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Melanie. A few more days like that and saying "yes" won't even be an option anymore, cause you just don't want that stuff at all.
