Monday, October 19, 2009

When It Rains, It Pours

I'm holding on, people, by my fingertips. When I'm not doing have-tos, I'm laying down to heal my brain and heart. Bad news is coming in. Some of it directly affects me. The world, my world maybe, feels like a difficult and scary place at the moment. There is light at the end of the tunnel; I just hope it's not a train.

I know there is good. Fred and Sidney continue to pop a little more. The scale reads a lower number for multiple days (so it must be true, right?). I may need a belt with my skinny jeans; I really hate belts though. And then there's the kid who doesn't ask about Chinese food or Oreos as often. I continue to have a hankering for celery. I struggle with trying to eat enough, sleep enough, move enough, be enough to those in my life. The other day I was questioning if the PCP is just selfish and vain in the pursuit of eye-candy bodies or something that makes us better so we can better serve those important to us, by sticking around longer with better health AND eye-candy bodies.

I miss my old jumprope.


  1. Hang in there, Melanie! Every time I read your blog, I think about how much commitment and dedication it must have taken for you to finish your 90 days even though you got sick AND THEN to keep going so you could pursue the goal at full power. Plus you work out in your 40-degree garage. You're a total inspiration!

    I wish you the best with whatever's going on. Life always works out. Not always as we expected and sometimes it takes time to see what we learned in the process, but it always works out.

    P.S. The eye candy bit is just icing on the beefcake—a side effect of being strong and healthy. You just happen to also look like a bombshell.

  2. Melanie,

    Hang on. Tie a knot in your jumprope and hang on. Okay, don't JUMP with it that way. But you know. :)

    I totally started this program to be healthy, not look great. Seeing a lot of problems in older generations around us. Most illness and things that cause them problems in their late years are entirely preventable. Yes, it helps to look good, but love those around you by being there for them. Maybe think of it as tough love?

    Okay, so we got past this illness thing, don't let it win. Hang through the tough parts and use the exercise to let your mind relax and refocus on what is important. Hard to deal with the rest of the world when grunting out reps, isn't it? That's when your mind relaxes on the mental tough stuff going on and actually formulates plans and sorts out ways to deal. So, keep up the reps and life will sort and you will find a way. Hang in there.

  3. The true inspirations in the world of healthier, fitter living are not the celebs and spokespeople with perfectly sculpted everythings who are paid heaps to look fantastic. Nu-uh!

    My heros are the everyday REAL women who keep on pushing through life's tough spots, aspiring to be the best mom, friend, daughter, and self they can be. The ladies who refuse to stay down, keep learning from their mistakes and keep hoping for the best -- women like YOU -- those are the women I celebrate!

    By making time to nourish yourself with exercise and healthy foods, you are building more vitality and health to give to your little one, friends and family. You have more energy to share, and that is a selfless act. Looking good is just an added bonus (and you're looking great!).

    It can't rain all the time, so suit up, head down and keep on shuffling through. It's what amazing, strong, confident, powerful, REAL women like YOU do so well!

  4. Hang in there poster kitten Mel! It's all gotta work out, right? I'm with Emily on that one. And being healthy and fit can only help things. It is pretty cool that you're managing to PCP with all this going on. Go you!!! Also, CELERY!? Barf city.

  5. To quote one of my favorite songs: "And the rain falls down, it's the only way it gets better. When the rain is fallin' down telling me that I'm gonna make it through."

    If it is raining, then that can only mean the storm is passing and the sunshine is just waiting for you on the other side.

    Chin up! You're doing amazing, Mel!

  6. Do it for the health, doll. That's the only thing that will make it stick and make you keep truckin'. The smokin' bod is just a nice side effect :) As for life crap, sometimes you have to wade through the shit to get to the good stuff. You have good stuff coming. I can feel it!

  7. Start for the vanity, stick around for the health. Sometimes a little vanity can be the motivation you need.
