Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 99 (Day 64 Revisited): Stone Soup

Fall is here in Colorado, and it's very pretty out. Ironic, isn't it, that I link to one of my fave local bloggers, whose web site is userealbutter.com. (Follow @userealbutter on Twitter! She did a presentation last month I attended on "Food Porn." It was HOT.)

Anyhoo, I love this time of year. Traditionally, I stocked up on the following:
- maple & brown sugar flavor oatmeal
- one box of Cream of Wheat
- cinnamon
- brown sugar
- other baking staples, such as white sugar, white flour, baking soda, baking powder, that spray-on butter+flour for pans, wax paper, foil
- one canister of hot cocoa
- staples to make soups and chili

The cooler weather, dare I even say wintry considering this weekend Boulder is expecting snow to fall??!?!?, just puts me in the mood to bake something wonderful in the oven and have a pot of something delicious on the stove. It warms the house, it warms my soul.

Ever read the children's book, "Stone Soup"? One of my childhood favorites.

Anyhoo, with the onset of autumn, I feel kind of lost without this ritual at the moment and, considering I was hoping to be done with the PCP by now, I'm feeling a bit wistful, too. I mean, the PCP has given me great insight into my eating habits, which were indeed naughty, the true culprit of my softening middle and bubble butt, but I like soup. I wonder if I can make a PCP-friendly soup. Or a version of soup (hot food in a bowl). Tomatoes, mushrooms, a protein? No salt, of course. Perhaps a stone?


  1. If you can make a palatable soup without salt, please post! As an avid soup lover, I've been avoiding it despite the seasonal yearning. (As soon as the temperatures start to fall I want to eat soup and knit. Weird!)

    Maybe adding a natural salt source like fish or scallops would be enough? We should toss the ball to Emily and see what she can cook up!

    Cream of wheat! Mmmmmmm.

  2. I made a soup the other day with acorn squash, onions, broccoli, and mushrooms. The broth was just plain water.

    Now here comes the fun part!

    I would dish out a bowl of soup and then go crazy with my spice rack to add a burst of flavor. It was nice because it felt like each day I had a different kind of soup.

    Bah. Who needs salt. ;-)
