Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 101 (Day 66 Revisited): Palate Ponderings

I still hate yogurt. Like really, really hate it. Really. Really really really.
I like pears. Bosc >Bartlett
I might become a vegetarian after this. Or a pescatarian.
I might keep protein shakes in my life after this.
I still hate bananas.
I like apples. Not all of them though.
I like vegetables more than fruit still.
I crave vegetables.
I crave GrapeNuts.
I still crave brownies. Just smaller brownies.
I wonder why they are called GrapeNuts.
I like steak better than chicken.
I like pork better than chicken.
I don't know when I stopped liking chicken.


  1. What is it about bananas that you don't like?

  2. The taste. Duh. ;)I also don't like their personalities. Total a-holes.

  3. HAHA!!! What kind of yogurt do you eat? You should try the PCP Jessica recipe:

    1 spoonful yogurt
    10 Snickers bars
    3 cheeseburgers on the side
    5 strips bacon

  4. the drinkable kind. DanActive. they're ok. i suffer through it. yogurt makes me wanna barf. it looks like barf. barf.

    i might have to try your recipes. wonder if I can sub Twix for Snickers without affecting the recipe too much. you think?

    Fred and Sidney would like that.

  5. Jessica is sharing all the secrets to her suckcess.

  6. You know, my cravings have completely changed since the PCP. Before the PCP, I craved salt. Now, I crave sugar. I haven't even looked at potato chips since my doritoes disposal on Day 90. Cravings never completley go away, but you learn to manage them. Whenever I crave, I remind myself what the food in question will do to my body if I eat it, and that usually keeps the craving at bay. However, when it comes time to party, I really enjoy myself because since the PCP, everything tastes so much better! And, of course, my smaller stomach keeps me from going as crazy as i used to do. Keep up the good work Mel!

  7. Duuuuuude, ditch the DanActive and go for fat free greek yogurt! If you don't like the slight sourness, add a touch of honey or agave nectar. Sooo thick, creamy and delicious, with twice the protein of regular yogurt.

    Sprinkle chopped apples or pears with cinnamon, plop yogurt on top and yum! Also fantabulous with spice-free fresh strawberries.

  8. Plain yogurt is hard to get through by itself. I like mine with seedless grapes. They help sweeten it quite a bit. Agave nectar does too if you want it without fruit.

    I'm the reverse on the fruit. I like bananas. I don't like pears.

    Yay! Another vegetarian convert! BWA-HA-HA!!

  9. I'm with Shelly on the Greek yogurt. Fage is to die for. You really should try it. And, if you're looking for a really top-notch protein shake, I've got one for you.

  10. Melanie, re your recipe question: the key is a variety of colors. Try to mix up your dark browns, your light browns, and your orange browns. Texture and viscosity matter too. Some suggestions are chocolate syrup, whipped chocolate, chocolate sprinkles, and fluffer nutter. One special "trick" is using chocolate yogurt if you're in a hurry!

  11. And Patrick, you weren't supposed to revisit the comments! Heheheh...
