Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 98 (Day 63 Revisited): Me Dress Pretty One Day

New pic! Had to show off my new shirt. I bought two new ones to PCP in. Boo yah! They're purty. They're mediums. Did I mention they're purty?

Mom and Kid Sister left this morning. The mood lifted in my house. I had a craving for green beans. I also awoke at 6:30a.m. to jump rope in my closed, empty garage, which was a cool 58 degrees inside (warmer than outside!). Fall in Colorado is here, which means anything from sunny glorious days to weather like this week, which is rainy, overcast and ... a forecast of snow this weekend? I wonder if those purty tops come in long sleeve.


  1. It might just be the lighting but you're looking hella trim in that photo.

    Green beans with apple vinegar, that's where it's at!

  2. Cute top! I don't think it's just the lighting, I think you are genuinely trim! You are lucky to have rainy weather...we are just having cold, sunny days. Booooo.

  3. Thanks, Patrick. I think. ;)

    You know what helps? New, skinner clothes. Better fitting clothes. I love my skinny jeans, man, and want to keep wearing them. Nothing comes between me and my Calvins! Not even brownies.
