Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day Sixty: The Plague

Still sick.

No eat.

No exercises.

Just sleep. For almost 24 hours now with a few waking moments here and there.

Not exactly what I envisioned for Day 60 post.


How do I recover? How do I catch up on PCP? And when?


  1. One lesson I've learned about the PCP is it's not about playing catch-up. It's all about consitency. As long as you get back on track and continue to do the workouts regularly once you get over your illness, you'll be fine. The PCP is about helping us realise exercise needs to be a regular part of our life. Should we take a break when we're really sick? Damn straight. But, the real strength of a PCP'er is once we recover, we get right back to exercise like we never missed a day, not because we have to, because we know it's the right thing to do and our daily lives feel incomplete with out it. Recover, Mel. Then get right back at it. The PCP only waits to welcome you back. It never piles up, and I'm sure Patrick will help get you back on the track once you're well enough to do so. :-)

    Just never give up!

  2. Yeah what he said. Incorporate the jumpropes back in first and then light sets. Trying to do full workouts will only put you out of commission longer.
