Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 104 (Day 70 Revisited): Mountains or Molehills?

- I broke my jumprope while jumping in my second set of jumps tonight. At $1.99 from Target, though, it served me well! Guess I'll get a new one tomorrow.

- I tried some Greek yogurt. Fage brand. First, a tiny spoonful. I made a face. But it was better than regular yogurt! I consider this progress. I then dipped some celery into it. Better! I still hate yogurt. But I tried another new food, thanks to the PCP and PCPers.

- The weather has been cold (in the 20s and snowy) the last few days, and the kid and I both have this sneezy/coughing business going on. She's on the couch now, with a fever and aches. Poor thing. I bought some orange juice for us to drink, and while it may not be PCP, it historically helped in fighting sickness so bottoms up! *sigh* It just feels impossible during times like this to PCP.


  1. Awesome. Breaking Jumpropes is a PCP tradition!

  2. Glad you somewhat enjoyed the Fage! It makes a great sour cream substitute.

  3. Take care of yourself, Mel. A lot of people around me are starting to sniffle and cough. It's too early in the season for so many people to be affected!

  4. Good for you on trying greek yogurt!

  5. Wow Melanie!

    I haven't looked at your blog in quite a while and I'm glad I did today. You look awesome. Good luck and finish your extension off strong!
