Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 93 (Day 58 Revisited): I'm Baaaaaaack!

Today I started my PCP extension! On to Day 125! I read that my new start would begin back on Day 58, which is where I left off before The Sickness. I found my pile of PCP printouts, found Day 58 and all my hash marks. Huh. I did this before. I can do it again.

I started with the jump ropes. I was a smidge nervous, as I only did the jropes once after pneumonia and ... I did not like the consequences. This time, I was being nonchalant. This is not a big deal. You are a wuss. Heck Lance Armstrong had mutha-luvin' cancer and he still got back on a bike. And he kicked ass. (Totally was channeling Mike's Monday motivational video so thank you!). I am happy to report that 1. I only tripped twice in the first and third sets of 4-minute jumpropes, three times in the second set, and once in the final set. 2. I had to take my inhaler after the second set. Hello, wheezing! But after a breather, literally, I went on to finish. I was very happy that I still like to jumprope, that I still had a bounce in my step, and that my limited breathing strength has perhaps made me slow down to the appropriate speed for timed jumps. Before I was like the hare, zoom zoom zoom!

[Art by louisiannadeanna]

Now I found my pace for the timed jumps. Nice! To get back into the groove, I tried to imagine myself in a variety of situations where jumping was crucial:
- Olympic hopscotch
- I'm a Harlem Globetrotter
- I'm riding a giant pogo stick
- I'm creating a new dance move which will take over weddings and class reunions by storm
- I'm up against Hillary Swank in the title character in Million Dollar Baby
- My driveway is actually a giant trampoline
- I'm a contestant on Wipeout!

Got any better ideas? Bonus points for the ridiculous, cute and absurd.


  1. Mosh pit. Leading Oprah's flash mob:

  2. I am totally jealous that you can do the jumps with so few trips, and thats AFTER being so ill! Still can't manage that -- but at least I'm now having fun with the ropes!

    Another situation where you'll need a jumprope: crossing a swamp loaded with crocodiles and the only way to get to the other side is to hop on their backs!

  3. EXCELLENT. i will have to use these ideas.

    i jumped roped a TON as a kid. Maybe it's like riding a bike? And you know, I'm a bit of a spaz. Like Tigger. Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy.
