Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's Been Real, It's Been Fun ... But It Ain't Been Real Fun! (jk)

My apologies: didn't mean to leave everyone hanging I've just been uh a little preoccupied and distracted. But I wanted to give my wrap-up on the PCP.

- I'm glad I did it, and I think it's very much worth the price. If you consider the personalized diet plans, the daily exercise plans and how very hands on and available Patrick is, the PCP is a steal. You will NOT find that at any gym or from any personal trainer. This can be an intimate, honest and challenging experience. Growth, personal and physical, is supposed to be uncomfortable.

- I'm happy about what the PCP taught me. It kind of reset my lifestyle habits which had slowly over the last 10 years or so gotten a little ridiculous. I'm no longer salting my food, I am happy to have cream in my coffee sans the uh spoonfuls of sugar, and I just try to make thoughtful food choices. I recognize now that if I miss out on protein early in the day, I will pay the price for overeating crap later. I became reacquainted with unadulterated vegetables. My disdain for yogurt and bananas is surely galvanized.

- I am a happier person when I exercise. I rediscovered the joy I had as a kid in jumping rope and will keep it in regular rotation. I also like having arm muscles, especially like Fred and Sidney. I lost approximately 10 pounds on the PCP, and I went lower on both a bra size (sad) and a pant size (score!).

- In the simplest terms, I got to know myself better. My triggers in terms of what makes me sing and feel triumphant (checking off my little PCP to do list, really enjoying my meal) and what can derail me (the blues, routine interruption, feeling famished).

- Saying no can be a good thing. I've strengthen my self-control on food, for sure, and it has eked out into the other portions of my life. My choices are more absolute, desired more deeply.

- The PCP got a lot of people in my life talking about their own lifestyle habits and it was insightful to hear their experiences, hopes and disappointments. A few are considering participating in a future PCP session. I myself plan to revisit the PCP after the holidays, starting over with Day 1.

So um yea ... I hate good-byes. Not really my thing. But I do want to say I'm so proud of all the PCPers, I feel like we are all friends even though we've never met but could talk long on the best methods for mixing protein shakes and that awesome shakey walking way of failure. And I plan to be back, so enjoy the holidays (but not too much!!!) and be safe and I will see you in a few months.

luv, mel


  1. Pleasure to work with you Melanie, through the ups and downs and all the extra days! Everything you mentioned that you got out of the program is exactly what I want people to get, so it's a big success in my book!

    I'm toying around with doing a PCP advanced program in the future, so keep your ears open!

    You did it!


  2. Congrats on a job well done! Best wishes for a happy Holiday season and a brilliant 2010!

  3. Congratulations Melanie! You've really hit the nail on the head. Best of luck!!

  4. Hi Mel! It's been a hoot reading your blog! I still chuckle about the bananas=assholes comment. I think it's fantastic that you managed to PCP throughout everything. You're lookin' fab and I'll miss Fred and Sidney. Tell me if ya have another blog or something; I look forward to seeing what you'll do next. <3

  5. Hi Mel, It was great to have you around. You did very well in the end. Hope you have a nice and relaxing holidays.
